Flux Auto : Beating Global Goliaths, this startup's self driving trucks are all set to Roar on Indian Roads. - VisionThugs


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Flux Auto : Beating Global Goliaths, this startup's self driving trucks are all set to Roar on Indian Roads.

An emerging Bangalore-based startup is believing that the dusty, pothole-ridden and chaotic roads of India are best for them to show to show up their self-driving technology while the global giants are keeping themselves back from these tracks due to its underlying eligibility in making them the pioneers of self-driven technology.

In the words of Pranav Manpuria, co-founder, Flux Auto, "For us, the more chaotic the roads are; the more data we get and the more trained our algorithm becomes. Indian roads are helping us to make a far sturdier and sophisticated algorithm for our self-driving technology".

Kept under covertness till November 2017, this 16-month old startup will launch its kickoff program in early February next year. Manpuria has added further that " Our journey began in late January of 2017. Seeing articles every day about self-driving technology, I was curious to know more about this exciting industry. as a big science fiction fan, it's always been a dream to own a vehicle that drives itself, understands its surroundings, and makes intelligent decisions".

Started with the primary objective of commercializing self-driving technology in order to cater to the preset needs of the market, the young founders significantly differed in their approach to developing self-driving technology in comparison to the global Goliaths like Google, Uber, and Tesla.

One of the main components that hikes up the prices of self-driving technology is Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors. Flux Auto has opted against using these sensors for its self-driving system, which makes their technology much more affordable.
"While the competition is focusing on LIDAR technology which is very expensive and processing heavy (due to a lot of unneeded data), our vision algorithms can be used with any cheap cameras and has a much quicker response time," says Manpuria.

The retail price of Flux's product would be about USD 3000-4500, depending on the kind of features that the customer wants. When fully develop, the system would offer users lane keeping assist, cruise control, and collision avoidance. Thus drivers would experience less strain on long journeys.

Name of the company : Flux Auto
Name of founders : Pranav Manpuria and Abhishek Gupta
City : Bengaluru
Revenues : NA
Industry : Autonomous vehicles
Investor details and amount raised : Bootstrapped

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