Get My Parking : Startup which is saving your evening plans - VisionThugs


Friday, May 25, 2018

Get My Parking : Startup which is saving your evening plans

Parking is an issue for everyone, be it drivers, merchants, government officials or women on the go. At a time when you can search and book-on-demand cabs, movies, dinner dates or even laundry services on your phone, why are you forced to waste your time, fuel, and energy on parking problems? Parking in India is fast becoming a monstrous crisis. Highly unorganized and painfully manual, the industry seems to be begging for a solution and Get My Parking believes it has the right solution for all the ills gripping the sector. 

Aiming to transform the parking industry, IoT venture Get My Parking was launched in July 2015 by IIT Madras alumni Chirag Jain and Rasik Pansare, alumni of FMS Delhi.Get My Parking has digitized over 300 parking lots with installing 800 plus devices executing 65000 transactions per day. The swift acceptance of the solution developed by this startup speaks volumes about the growing issues in the parking industry. 

"Within six months of launching our solution, we had digitized over 50 parking lots. We used to spend 14 hours a day in parking lots, sat with the parking 'mafias' to understand how the industry functions, and even played board games with parking attendants," shares Pansare. 
The startup provides advanced parking analytics solutions to reinvent parking infrastructure. The platform intends to organize the industry by serving parking contractors (enterprise solutions), governments (smart city), infrastructure partners (platform Integration), and consumers (mobile apps).

The solution when displayed to the parking contractors awed them so much they branded it as "magic", something, which Pansare says, highlights the absence of any technological disruption in the industry. Despite the wonder it evoked, the founders still had to convince the contractors of the impact the technology was capable of creating. 

"It was like explaining banking to someone who has never banked. However, our agile, modular, mobile-based parking management system was soon lapped up.

Smart Parking Solutions

The Get My Parking app allows users to search, book, and navigate to the nearest parking lot, eliminating the hassles of looking out for parking space. The cloud-based technology gives a bird's eye view of all essential parking information, including map of locations, availability, pricing, and other details, along with cashless payment and navigation.
Rasik Pansare, Co-founder and CMO of Get My Parking, says, “Smart parking solutions can make cities economically productive, less polluting, and less wasteful of resources. It is not just about managing parking spaces; it is about simplifying transportation.”

App Offerings

The app offers solutions to everybody related to the parking industry, be it the citizen, enforcement agency, or urban planner.

For Parking Contractors: Digitization of parking ticketing and management, which reduces revenue leakage and enables real-time business control. The platform integrates with any access control hardware for end-to-end mobile-based parking management system at very low capital cost.

For Citizens: Offers real-time availability, search, reserve, and navigate to parking space in advance. Also allows to pay cashless and get relevant deals where users park.

For Urban Planners: Provides citywide macro-level data about where, when, and how many vehicles are getting parked. Also offers real analytics for policy making.

For Enforcement Agencies: Digital tools to enforce parking policies and violations.

For Smart City or System Integrator: End-to-end parking technology integrated with the city dashboard. Integrated with sensors, smart cards, and m-wallets.

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